TEAPARTY was an intriguing three-member fictional girl group introduced in the KBS2 drama "Imitation". The group, managed by JH Entertainment, was made up of Maha (played by Jung Jiso), Hyunji (portrayed by Nayoung), and Ria (played by Minseo). In an effort to blend fiction with reality, TEAPARTY's SNS accounts, including Twitter and Instagram, were established in early April 2021. A poster spoiler and an official group poster were released, building anticipation for their debut on May 7, 2021. Initially known as OMEGA III, TEAPARTY faced a pre-debut scandal that led to their disbandment on the same day they debuted. However, they quickly regrouped and redebuted as TEAPARTY on May 21, 2021 with the catchy single "Show Me". The group's journey came to an end with the conclusion of the drama, culminating in their final release "Your Sign" featuring collaborations with other fictional bands.