P.O.P, also known as Puzzle of Pop, was a dynamic six-member K-pop group originally trained under RBW Entertainment before debuting under DWM Entertainment. Consisting of talented members Haeri, Ahyung, Miso, Yeonjoo, Yeonhwa, and Seol, they captivated fans with their catchy music and energetic performances. Their debut with the song "Catch You" in July 2017 showcased their immense potential in the industry. Unfortunately, in 2017, member Yeonhwa had to leave the group due to health reasons, leading to a period of uncertainty for P.O.P. Despite efforts to continue, member Haeri revealed in 2019 that the group would not be making a comeback, hinting at a possible disbandment following inactivity since May 2018. Though their time as a group may have come to a close, P.O.P's legacy lives on in their memorable music and dedicated fanbase.