N.CUS is a dynamic nine-member boy group that emerged under the spotlight of Kyuri Entertainment. Originally comprising 12 talented individuals, they burst onto the scene on August 27, 2019, captivating fans with their debut mini album, Matchless Love. In an unexpected turn of events on December 18, 2020, EOS, Myeong, and Soon bid farewell to the group, leading to a transformation into a formidable nine-member lineup.
Their name, N.CUS, stands for "No. Competitors Under the Sky," symbolizing their determination to stand out in the competitive K-pop scene. However, recent developments suggest a potential shift in their journey, as Hojin shared on his Instagram on January 5, 2022, that all members except Seokjin had parted ways with Kyuri Entertainment. This news has left fans wondering about the group's future and the possibility of a quiet disbandment looming on the horizon.