FAINIT is a unique and innovative girl group consisting of five talented members, each bringing their own flair to the group. Their name, an acronym for Fantasy Avatar Intersection Nationality Idol Travel, signifies their journey into a world of diverse fantasies and characters, blurring the lines between reality and imagination. Through their music and performances, they aimed to connect cultures and transcend time and space, creating the "FAINIT UNIVERSE".
Unfortunately, their promising debut with the single “KILLER” on June 13, 2022, was short-lived as news of their disbandment surfaced just a month later. Despite this setback, members Liha, Idam, Seoa, and Meanu have taken on new opportunities as trainees at Chrome Entertainment, while Jinseo is pursuing her passion for acting. Keep an eye on these rising stars as they continue to chase their dreams and carve their own paths in the entertainment industry.